September 22, 2008

Unsettling Settler Societies: Gender, Racializing and Classifying: Settler Colonization in the United States, 1590-1990 ~ Dolores Janiewski

This article identified 4 major cultural groups living within the borders of the United States. Though, there are many more the author choices to analyze these four groups: Native American, Mexican American, African American, and Euro-American.

When the United States was colonized it isolated the “other”. The other was anyone that was not with, and thus did not gain citizenship. This lack in assimilation to the National Identity aided in the “others” survival within the borders of America.

When reading the experiences, expectations and roles that these groups had with America, a common thread bond them together; the women’s role. Throughout all four ethnic groups the women were expected and had control or authority over the domestic chores of the household. “ wives owed their husbands obedience and smooth operation of the household in return for the financial support needed to purchase the necessities if the life” (pg. 139).

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